After more than 40 years as a private guitar teacher, having taught more than 6,000 people, I have decided to write my own guitar instruction books. I have used many different method books and I find that they all seem to lack many of the things that most people want and need to know. They all seem to be afraid to actually mention the great players, as if the authors are afraid to make a commitment. I have never seen a book that a beginner could buy that will teach him or her the essentials, aside from basic reading on the first few frets. I have tried to incorporate and explain all the facts that people are most confused and curious about: playing by ear, finger style, modes, barre chords, scales and listening, as well as suggested guitar recordings to buy.

Besides essential knowledge, required by beginners, the book contains subjects for the more advanced such as modes, major and minor scale fingerings, arpeggios and more advanced chords. The new edition will contain a CD.


Auburn Musician, Auburn

Speno Music, Auburn

For other books or more information,
please contact me.